Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Negative Perspective on Online Schooling

          This week I read an article where the author gives a brief glimpse of her experience of using online classes. Her initial intention was to take these classes instead of face to face classes with the hopes of freeing up her time and allowing her to manage her own time. She said her online classes did give her this and it was beneficial however there were some down falls to online learning that she experienced. I was able to relate to some of these set backs to online schooling and found it interesting that someone else felt the same way as I did and experienced some of the same struggles. 
           Her first complaint about online schooling which I have also experienced in the past was it was hard for her to get feed back from her professor about the grade she received on an assignment. I have experienced the same struggle and found it very difficult to move on in the course because I didn't know what I had missed on the previous assignment. In a face to face class this was no problem and it was easy to understand what I got wrong and what I needed to go back and study up on. She even went into detail of how she would leave a note for the professor when she submitted her grade which ask for feedback on what she got wrong. However since the system isn’t used to that type of communication it made it difficult to have a conversation with the professor. 
            Another problem that she faced with online schooling was the lessons and videos that were supposed to teach her the course material were often times inconstant and made it difficult to take the quiz after it was completed. She stated that she became frustrated because the videos that she watch that were supposed to teach the material were inconstant when it came to the actors that were in them. I definitely agree with her, seeing a new person in each video would be confusing to me and would even become a bit of a distraction from the material. She also said that some of the questions on the quiz were not even covered in the videos. This problem could have been caused by the fact that the videos were not made by the teacher but the quizzes were. 
            Over all I do agree with her, these are definitely some negatives when it comes to online schooling. However, I do feel that these negatives are not found in all online courses and are only found a few online courses.

word count: 434

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