Thursday, April 7, 2016

Six positives to Online schooling

       Here is a really cool video that was produced by the Wall Street Journal where the main character in the video, Anant Agarwal the founder and president of edX, gives six reasons why online learning is better than a normal in class education. Several of these reasons that he gives I really agree with, however some of them have their flaws.
     The first reason he gives to support online schooling is they are more interactive than a normal classroom environment. He explains that is a normal class a student goes to class for an hour listens to the teacher give his or her lecture then the student goes home and completes an assignment and or gets ready for an upcoming test. Anant states that online schooling is better because the lessons are more interactive and the student is actively learning. He explains that in a normal online class a student watches a video or reads some material then right away does an interactive assignment to reinforce what they just learned and then they move on to the next lesson.
      The second reason he gives that shows why online schooling is better is the student can get their grades back right away because their grades are graded by a computer. I do agree that this is convenient, however it is hard to get feedback on what you got wrong because the computer won't explain your errors on the assignment. However, this defiantly is a positive because I for one like to get my grades back as soon as possible.
        The third reason he gives is that a student can keep re-doing an assignment until they master the topic at hand and then move on. This is good because the student can repeat an assignment over and over until they know what he or she was doing wrong and then feel comfortable with moving on. 
Another great thing about online schooling that Anant mentioned is students are able to control the lecture. They can rewind a lecture incase they missed something or they can even go back and review a lecture a few days later. This is obvious advantage to face to face schooling because a student can only see a lecture once and after that all he or she has are the notes they took.
    And finally his last main reason why online schooling is better than traditional schooling is it can be more engaging for a student. When Anant says this he means online schooling can be more fun and more interactive with the student which will retain their attention. 

      These are definitely some great reasons why online schooling can be better than traditional schooling and I really liked how this video was put together and presented. 

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