Monday, April 11, 2016

Pros and Cons of Online Education by Dhirendra Kumar

       This was a really interesting article that brought a few new reasons why online education can be beneficial to education and be wrong for a persons education. This article is from the North Carolina State University and was written by Dhirendra Kumar. The author first goes into detail and explains how online education is now growing and becoming more popular and appealing to those looking for a higher education. The author attributes this growth to several reasons. one of these reasons are more students are wanting to start their careers while they are advancing their education at the same time. She also attributes the growth of online education to the fact that it is much cheaper than a traditional education. 
             However, the author does state that online education is not for everyone. In the article Kumar states that online education is meant for a special kind of student, one who is independent and great at time management. However a student who is more dependent and needs a structured class room should steer away from online schooling and continue with a traditional education. 
But over all there are definitely pros and cons when it comes to online education. 
            Kumar first goes over the pros of online education which goes as follows: convince, less expensive, technology, and additional benefits. These four reasons can definitely make online education seem more appealing than a traditional education. For example, when it comes to the technology of online education, a student who is enrolled in an online course can practically access their course work anywhere there is internet access which defiantly relieves the burden of having to go to a class room every day or every other day.
          There are some cons to an online education which can sway a student into the direction of a traditional education. The cons that Kumar gave are as follows: limited social interaction, technology cost and scheduling, Effectiveness of Assessments, and problematic for instructors. These cons are defiantly good reasons to stay with a traditional education. For instance part of going to school is getting to interact with your peers. If a student misses out on this because he or she chose to do online schooling they may not learn the social skills that a person in a traditional classroom will obtain. 

           In the end this article does give great reasons why online education is good and bad. The author,  Dhirendra Kumar, did a great job presenting the material and made the article very interesting. 

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